Local Government
New Mainer
Where did you move from and what made you make the move to Maine?
I moved from York, Pennsylvania to the County for my employment but fell in love with the beauty and work life balance.
How do you spend your time here in Maine?
Exploring new parts of Maine and the amazing outdoors. I garden, hunt, fish, attend local events, get involved with my local church and take time to practice mindfulness.
What do you love about working in Maine?
The work-life balance. I am not fighting traffic for an hour to get home which is a real benefit.
What do you love about living in Maine?
Connection to nature and sense of community can be felt by just stepping out into your dooryard.
Tell us a bit about your story!
I grew up in the rolling hills of the Susquehanna River Valley in Pennsylvania steeped in the rural tradition of working hard, family values, connection with the land and deep appreciation for serving your community. After years of public service (elected township supervisor), I decided to break away from the ordinary and instead move with my hunting dog to Aroostook County. This move has been transformative in allowing me to change my priorities through deep moments of reflection in the beauty of the County. I have discovered more of who I am through challenging myself in living life below zero and reconnecting with nature outside the daily commute and grind faced in more urban settings. I love my growing network in Maine through my volunteer efforts and service on statewide boards which demonstrates Maine's commitment to having faith and believing in young professionals who want to contribute to the state's future.